Lingmei Zhao
A girl who LOVES coding!

Lingmei Zhao
A girl who LOVES coding!
I am a graduate student studying statistics at The George Washington University. I worked at
Perthera, a healthcare company, as a software developer intern.
Besides, I worked at my university as a teaching assistant for Dr. John Helveston's class
Programming for Analytics.
Software Developer Intern -- Perthera
May 2019 - Aug 2019- Web Services: Developed 5 websites using Java Vaddin with team members; Used JDBC to retrieve information from the database. Managed and maintained 30 code repositories, added 25 features to the existing functionality of the internal systems.
- Data Pipelines: Designed and developed complex data pipelines to retrieve data from XML documents of a medical research lab.
- Business Intelligence: Implemented 3 report generators providing RESTful API, which can create reportsv automatically and send them via fax and email. Increased the productivity of the sales teams and customer service team, and helped managers to make better decisions.
- Database: Managed more than 4,000 patients’ data on MySQL database, and designed the relational tables.
- AWS: Deployed the web services on AWS EC2, database on RDS, and static files on S3. Debugged the systems using CloudWatch to check the logs. Maintained Linux instances on EC2.
- Project Management: Used Git for version control. Experienced scrum agile development life cycle in a team environment.
Teaching Assistant -- George Washington University
Sep 2019 - Dec 2019- Course: Tutoring and grading 23 students in Professor John Helveston’s Programming for Analytics course.
- Tutoring: Open sessions for students every week. Teach students to analyze and visualize data using R (tidyverse and ggplot2), to manage projects with RStudio, and to write analysis reports using R Markdown.
- Grading: Utilizing RStudio Cloud to grade students’ submission of R code.
Research Assistant -- George Washington University
Oct 2018 - Apr 2019- Project: Worked as a group research collaborator for Dr. Benjamin Harvey’s research on recommender system.
- Dashboard: Developed an interactive data dashboard for data visualization with R and Python, and display the results in the web pages. Used JQuery and RESTful API to provide interoperability between the dashboard and the back-end.
The George Washington University
Aug 2018 - Expected May 2020Master of Science in Statistics
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
Sep 2013 - June 2017Bachelor of Management in Assets Appraisal